ABG:  Bag It Better—and Be On Your Way

ABG:  Bag It Better—and Be On Your Way

"When outsiders look at this business, they may see us selling a commodity, a containment bag, to utility companies and vendors. I see it quite differently, however. In addition to a better bag—the best on the market, talk to our clients—we’re providing a start-to-finish cost-reduction analysis that is transforming the utility-industry process and boosting our clients’ bottom line. We’re not not simply swapping out product—we’re changing the trajectory of our business partners.”

ABG_Sandra-Bennett_CEOSo shares ABG Vice President Jim Bennett, who today alongside brother Will (company president) carries on the legacy built by his mother Sandra (ABG CEO, pictured left) and late father Bill, across multiple arenas: the commercial engraving business, in which they supplied custom items and awards for checkered-flag finishers in the motorsports industry; in the time-keeping arena, purchasing Masterwork, Inc; designing and manufacturing solid brass dials and pendulums for the classic grandfather clock industry; and eventually to the electric/utility industry, in creating bulk bag solutions for the containment and transport of transformers in a safe, no-leak, cost-reducing, environmentally friendly manner.

ABG has both upended and revolutionized the utility industry, as evident in more than 200,000 properly utilized ...

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